Duomo Gelato

The Role of Eggs in Gelato: How and When to Use Them

Eggs play a crucial role in the traditional method of making gelato, contributing to its rich texture and smooth consistency. Understanding how and when to use eggs in gelato can help you create a superior product that stands out in flavor and quality. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the role of eggs in gelato.

1. Why Use Eggs in Gelato?

Richness and Creaminess: Eggs, particularly the yolks, add richness and creaminess to the gelato. The fat in the yolks enhances the smooth texture and mouthfeel.

Emulsification: Eggs act as natural emulsifiers, helping to blend the fat and water in the mixture. This prevents the gelato from becoming icy and ensures a smoother texture.

Stabilization: The proteins in eggs stabilize the gelato mixture, preventing the formation of large ice crystals. This results in a denser, more luxurious product.

Flavor Enhancement: Eggs can also enhance the flavor profile of gelato, adding depth and complexity.

2. Types of Gelato Recipes Using Eggs

Custard-Based Gelato (Gelato alla Crema): This traditional Italian method involves creating a custard base with eggs, milk, and sugar. The custard is then cooled and churned into gelato. This method produces a rich and velvety texture.

French-Style Ice Cream (Crème Anglaise): Similar to custard-based gelato, this method also uses a cooked egg custard base. It’s particularly popular in French-style ice creams but can be adapted for gelato.

3. How to Use Eggs in Gelato


  • Separate the Yolks: For most recipes, you will use only the egg yolks. They provide the necessary fat and proteins without the additional water content found in egg whites.
  • Beat the Yolks and Sugar: Whisk the egg yolks with sugar until the mixture is pale and thick. This helps to incorporate air and dissolve the sugar.


  • Heat the Milk/Cream: Warm the milk and cream in a saucepan until it’s just below boiling.
  • Temper the Eggs: Gradually whisk some of the hot milk mixture into the egg yolk mixture to temper the eggs. This prevents the eggs from curdling when added to the hot liquid.
  • Combine and Cook: Pour the tempered egg mixture back into the saucepan with the remaining milk/cream. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens and coats the back of a spoon. This is your custard base.

Chilling and Churning:

  • Cool the Custard: Strain the custard through a fine-mesh sieve to remove any cooked egg bits. Chill the custard thoroughly in the refrigerator, preferably overnight.
  • Churn into Gelato: Once the custard is chilled, churn it in your gelato maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The custard will transform into a creamy gelato as it freezes.

4. When to Use Eggs in Gelato

Rich Flavors: Eggs are particularly well-suited for rich, custard-based flavors like vanilla, chocolate, or caramel. They complement and enhance the depth of these flavors.

Textural Consistency: If you’re aiming for a denser and creamier texture, such as in high-end gelato or specific flavor profiles, eggs can be very beneficial.

Stabilizing Ingredients: When using ingredients that might add extra water to the mix (like certain fruits or alcohol), eggs help stabilize the mixture and prevent iciness.

5. Alternatives to Eggs

For those who prefer not to use eggs due to dietary restrictions or personal preference, there are alternatives:

Cornstarch: Often used in modern gelato recipes, cornstarch can thicken the base without eggs. Agar-Agar or Gelatin: These can provide stabilization and prevent ice crystals. Vegan Options: Plant-based alternatives like coconut cream or nut milks, combined with thickeners like arrowroot or tapioca starch, can create a rich texture without eggs.


Eggs are a traditional and valuable ingredient in gelato making, contributing to its creamy texture, stability, and flavor enhancement. By understanding how and when to use eggs, you can craft gelato that is rich, smooth, and perfectly textured. Whether you stick to the classic methods or explore egg-free alternatives, the key is to maintain balance and quality in your ingredients. At Duomo Gelato, we honor the traditional techniques while also embracing innovation to create the best gelato experience for our customers. Come and taste the difference that quality ingredients and expert techniques can make!